What keeps you afloat?

Learn to flow with the waves of life,
don’t let it pull you under.

A safe non-judgemental sex positive space to explore yourself and your relationships.

The goal of our practice is to help you feel better and accept yourself; not just by addressing anxiety and depression and avoiding the things that feel bad but also by engaging with what brings you pleasure, joy and a sense of connection. This can be through an exploration of sexuality or through whatever you find in your life that makes you feel passionate and alive.

In our office, you will find that difference is not just accepted but celebrated.

We work with individuals and people in relationships to develop a loving, accepting and kind method of communication with each other. Together we can change behaviors, resolve issues, improve sexual functioning, manage anxiety, depression and other complex feelings and cope better with pain and suffering.

Working together is always a unique experience customized to your needs. We have experience using psychodynamic, mindfulness, Imago and cognitive behavioral approaches to therapy and we try to choose the methodology that suits best for the individuals in our office.

We have a special interest in supporting people through issues related to sexual exploration, sexual functioning, sexual identity and gender identity. Clients who are in non-monogamous relationships, swinger, polyamorous and/or kink relationships are welcome.


301.244.8597  •